Roses I Roses II

For most of the country we have been enduring some extreme weather over the past couple of months.

I saw thunder and lightning followed by heavy hale in New Plymouth, and torrential rain pretty much across the whole of the north island.

In the garden, the tomatoes are safely in, but with buffeting winds and definitely cooler temperatures, I’m wondering what the results might be?

For those fellow Aucklander’s who received their new CV’s, there maybe some joy with some big rises, but that will be tempered when next years rates hit the doormat to be sure!

On a positive front, the Roses seem to be doing really well… and it is not unusual for people to knock on my door and ask what type they are. The pink variety smells gorgeous, and I wish I knew it’s name…but don’t.

So all in all, life is good and smelling of roses…can’t complain about much else!